The Rocky Horror Show!


The Rocky Horror Show was the theatrical version that spawned The Rocky Horror Picture Show, a midnight movie phenomenom that still can be found weekends at many a multiplex. Back in 1978 I was the musical director for the Miami production. We ran for two weeks in Miami, then about three months in Ft. Lauderdale and back to Miami for a couple more weeks. Reviews were mixed but our audiences were large and enthusiastic. We went dark after four months because we were young and inexperienced and many of us eschewed professional management (back then most plays had a $75 royalty per week, but we paid Lou Adler $1000 per; with professional management we could have done better!)

RH score

I managed to save the entire score - these are a few sample pages. N.B. Once in in While, the song that never made it into the film.

RH small